32 Products

  • Energy paintings, canvas wall paintings, wall art, artistic paintings, modern paintings, ambient paintings, abstract paintings, decorative wall paintings, buying and selling paintings, hand-drawn paintings, hand-painted paintings - Home Protection
    Energy pictures - Home protection When we find ourselves in our home, how do we feel? Are we happy and satisfied with our home or do we feel unhappy and want to escape? Does staying at home relax us or are we constantly tense and nervous? All this is closely [...]
  • Energy Paintings - Good Relationships

    Energy paintings – Good relationships The Energy painting “Good Relationships” is an extraordinary artistic creation aimed at establishing balance in the field of relationships, partnership and communication. This painting carries within itself protection and strong energy that has the ability to harmonize relationships and promote connection between people.In today’s fast […]

  • Energy Paintings - Energy of Personal Power Stock
    Energy Images - The Energy of Personal Power Energy painting called "Energy of Personal Power" is a special art product created with love and designed to strengthen positive energy in your life. This unique image is designed to support your inner strength and help you create an energetic environment that [...]
  • Tretje Oko - Artistic, decorative, ambient, abstract wall paintings, paintings for the wall
    Energy Painting - The Third Eye: Opening a New View The Third Eye is known as the centre of intuitive perception and inner understanding. It represents a deep connection to subtle energies and the ability to see beyond the normal visual spectrum. One of my unique energy paintings, called "The [...]
  • Energy wall paintings on canvas, wall art, artistic paintings, modern paintings, ambient paintings, abstract paintings, decorative wall paintings, buying and selling paintings - 8th Chakra artistic painting Stock

      This painting represents the 8th Chakra – the Chakra of Divinity. Nahaja v predelu nad glavo. Gre za energijski vrtinec, ki usklajuje vseh 5 teles, da nas ohrani v ravnotežju in harmonijo s svojim višjim jazom. Vsakdo od nas ima namreč pet teles. Prevladujoča barvna vibracija je bela.

  • Energy wall paintings on canvas, wall art, artistic paintings, modern paintings, ambient paintings, abstract paintings, decorative wall paintings, buying and selling paintings - 2nd Chakra Stock

    This painting represents the 2nd Chakra – the Sacral Chakra. It is located about an inch and a half above the 1st chakra, the cane or root chakra, which is at the base of the spine. This is the chakra for creativity in all forms, openness, receptivity to new ideas […]

  • Energy wall paintings on canvas, wall art, artistic paintings, modern paintings, ambient paintings, abstract paintings, decorative wall paintings, buying and selling paintings - 5th Chakra artistic painting Stock

    This painting represents the 5th Chakra – the Throat Chakra in the neck area. It vibrates like a thyroid gland and governs the lungs, vocal cords, bronchi, oral communication and metabolism. It is the vortex that helps us to express our true self, to communicate and to judge. The predominant […]

  • Energy wall paintings on canvas, wall art, artistic paintings, modern paintings, ambient paintings, abstract paintings, decorative wall paintings, buying and selling paintings - 6th Chakra artistic painting Stock

    This painting It has a physical   direct effect on the pituitary gland. This is the Chakra that governs the lower brain, nervous system, ears, nose and left eye. It is the vortex centre that helps us to examine our spiritual nature, with experiences through  intuition, psychic talents, self-reflection, visualisation, […]

  • Energy wall paintings on canvas, wall art, artistic paintings, modern paintings, ambient paintings, abstract paintings, decorative wall paintings, buying and selling paintings - 1st Chakra

    This painting represents the 1st Chakra – the root or base chakra. It is located at the base of the spine and governs the physical dimensions, helping us to feel grounded, safe and secure. It is also the centre for the ‘fight or flight’ feeling and if this is balanced […]

  • Energy wall paintings on canvas, wall art, artistic paintings, modern paintings, ambient paintings, abstract paintings, decorative wall paintings, buying and selling paintings - 7th Chakra artistic painting Stock

    This painting represents the 7th Chakra – the Crown Chakra. It is located at the very top of the head. It physically  effects the pineal gland. This is the chakra that governs the upper part of your brain and right eye. It affects your experience of love, your connection to […]

  • Energy wall paintings on canvas, wall art, artistic paintings, modern paintings, ambient paintings, abstract paintings, decorative wall paintings, buying and selling paintings - 4th Chakra artistic painting Stock

    This painting represents the 4th Chakra – the Heart Chakra, which is located in the centre of the chest. This is the chakra that regulates our centre of personal power, will and self-confidence. It vibrates like a thymus gland and regulates the vascular system, blood and heart. It also influences […]

  • Energy wall paintings on canvas, wall art, artistic paintings, modern paintings, ambient paintings, abstract paintings, decorative wall paintings, buying and selling paintings - Archangel Gabriel Stock

    Archangel Ariel is the angel of courage, nature and wild beasts. He teaches us to live a fulfilled and fearless life, to throw off everything that holds us back and controls us. He assures us that we are never alone, not even in our most difficult moments. Most importantly, it […]

  • Energy wall paintings on canvas, wall art, artistic paintings, modern paintings, ambient paintings, abstract paintings, decorative wall paintings, buying and selling paintings - Archangel Ariel Stock

    Archangel Ariel is the angel of courage, nature and wild beasts. He teaches us to live a fulfilled and fearless life, to throw off everything that holds us back and controls us. He assures us that we are never alone, not even in our most difficult moments. Most importantly, it […]

  • Energy wall paintings on canvas, wall art, artistic paintings, modern paintings, ambient paintings, abstract paintings, decorative wall paintings, buying and selling paintings - Archangel Sandalphon Stock

    His task is to carry human petitions to God so that He can hear them. And with his height, he reaches from earth to heaven. Sandalphon, cures aggressive tendencies, but also helps musicians and music used for healing purposes. His qualities on the Tree of Life extend beyond the 10th […]

  • Energy wall paintings on canvas, wall art, artistic paintings, modern paintings, ambient paintings, abstract paintings, decorative wall paintings, buying and selling paintings - Archangel Haniel Stock

    He is the Archangel of Purity and Hope. Gabriel announced to Elizabeth and Mary, each separately, the news of the forthcoming births of their sons John the Baptist and Jesus of Nazareth, which is why he has become known as a messenger angel, helping parents to bring up their children, […]

  • Energy wall paintings on canvas, wall art, artistic paintings, modern paintings, ambient paintings, abstract paintings, decorative wall paintings, buying and selling paintings - 3rd Chakra Stock
    This painting represents the 3rd chakra - the solar plexus chakra. It is on the opposite side of the navel in the astral spine, between the navel and the chest. This is the chakra that regulates our centre of personal power, will and confidence. Physically, it directly affects the 8th [...]
  • Energy Wall Paintings on Canvas - Think Quickly and Solve the Problem - Artistic Painting - Modern Paintings, Ambient Wall Paintings, Abstract Paintings, Decorative Wall Paintings, Purchase and Sale of Paintings. Stock

    Energy Paintings – Think fast and solve problems Energy paintings are remarkable works of art that allow you to delve deeper into your reality, authenticity and openness to your own desires, thoughts and feelings. Each painting represents a progression in your personal development, helping you to gain deeper insights into […]

  • Energy Wall Paintings on Canvas - Energy for Well-being and Inner Joy - Artistic Painting - Modern Paintings, Ambient Wall Paintings, Abstract Paintings, Decorative Wall Paintings, Purchase and Sale of Paintings. Stock

    Energy Paintings – Energy for Wellbeing and Inner Joy Energy paintings are works of art created with a specific purpose – to promote inner joy, spiritual healing and to provide energy and promote well-being. These paintings are a powerful and subtle way of transmitting positive energy and harmony into the […]

  • Energy Wall Paintings on Canvas - Energy of Free Will (Uniqueness) - Artistic Painting - Modern Paintings, Ambient Wall Paintings, Abstract Paintings, Decorative Wall Paintings, Purchase and Sale of Paintings.

    Energy Paintings – Free Will Energy (Uniqueness) It is sometimes liberating and sometimes very frightening to become conscious of the same kind of energy at work as in our own lives, especially in our own choices. When have we chosen to limit our ability to choose freely for fear of […]

  • Canvas Paintings - Mastering Life Paths and Patterns - Energy Paintings, Modern, Ambient, Abstract, Decorative Wall Art

    Energy Paintings – Mastering Life Paths and Patterns The painting you have before you is remarkable and carries a profound message about mastering life paths and patterns. Energy paintings such as this help us to channel the power and energy that enables us to overcome the wide variety of challenges […]

  • Establishment of energy balance in relationships in an individual and in space Hand-painted reproductions of famous painters, modern wall art, artistic paintings for the wall Stock

    Energy Paintings – Creating energy balance in relationships, in the individual and in space Humans are energy transducers, we are alive and we evolve in proportion to how much universal energy we receive and how freely it flows through us. The better we translate this energy, or allow it to […]

  • Energy Wall Paintings on Canvas - Energy for a Fulfilling Love Life - Artistic Painting - Modern Paintings, Ambient Wall Paintings, Abstract Paintings, Decorative Wall Paintings, Purchase and Sale of Paintings.

    Energy Paintings – Energy for a fulfilling love life The painting we present carries a powerful message and is created to bring an abundance of love into your life and completely flood you with divine vibration. The energy of love has a tremendous impact on our physical being, giving it […]

  • Happiness in Marriage - Modern Canvas Art
    Energy Paintings - Happiness in Marriage The painting "Happiness in Marriage" is a remarkable illustration of the energy that attracts abundant love into our lives and permeates us with a divine vibration. This beautiful artwork is created to encourage the pursuit of happiness in partnerships and to heal any love [...]
  • academic-success Hand-painted reproductions of famous painters, modern wall paintings for the wall Stock

    Energy Paintings – Study Success The “Study Success” painting is an exceptional energy painting designed to promote success and progress in your studies. This unique artwork represents strength and energy to help overcome challenges such as lack of concentration and patience.The ‘Success in Study’ energy painting is designed to raise […]

  • Energy Paintings - Family Happiness

    The painting represents the energy of good relationships within the family, protection against bad energies from the environment when it comes to relationships, health and interaction with the outside environment.Family can be one of our greatest sources of happiness. But it is also within the family that we can experience […]

  • Energy paintings, canvas wall paintings, wall art, artistic paintings, modern paintings, ambient paintings, abstract paintings, decorative wall paintings, buying and selling paintings, hand-drawn paintings, hand-painted paintings - Health and Healing

    Energy paintings – Health and healing The painting we are presenting is a unique energy painting that has an extremely powerful effect on our health and healing. This painting connects us with energy that opens the emotional channels and confronts us with our inner weaknesses. It also encourages honesty with […]

  • goal-achievement Reproductions of famous painters, modern wall paintings for the wall

    The painting represents the energy to solve problems and promote a positive flow of events, to promote happy events. It represents the stimulation of energy to help us achieve our goals more easily.It is intended to successfully promote any area of life.

  • successful-business Hand-painted reproductions of famous painters, modern wall paintings for the wall

    The painting represents the energy and strength to overcome difficult business decisions. It represents the energies that drive the integration of our business cycle into the surrounding business environment, leading to positive business results faster. The figure represents energies for balance in business operations and reinforcing energies for progress and […]

  • Energy Wall Paintings on Canvas - Energy of Attraction - Artistic Painting - Modern Paintings, Ambient Wall Paintings, Abstract Paintings, Decorative Wall Paintings, Purchase and Sale of Paintings.
    The energy painting on the canvas represents the energies that turn events that could drive love and happiness away from you, in your favour, and create an invincible shield against insidious dangers of all kinds. In the possessor, it strengthens the energy to radiate a special magnetism and charisma that [...]
  • Energy Wall Paintings on Canvas - Good Parenting - Artistic Painting - Modern Paintings, Ambient Wall Paintings, Abstract Paintings, Decorative Wall Paintings, Purchase and Sale of Paintings.

    Energy Paintings – Good Parenting The “Good Parenting” painting is an extremely powerful energy painting that illustrates a special kind of energy that connects us to our inner truth and encourages us to explore our emotional depths. This painting is for all parents who want to improve their parenting skills […]

  • Energy Wall Paintings on Canvas - Energy of Cleansing and Detoxification - Artistic Painting - Modern Paintings, Ambient Wall Paintings, Abstract Paintings, Decorative Wall Paintings, Purchase and Sale of Paintings.

    Energy Paintings – Cleansing and Detoxifying Energy This painting, which will energize you with the energy of cleansing and detoxification, is designed to reinforce the development of new methods for coping with stress and reducing regret in letting go of old harmful habits. This extraordinary work of art is designed […]

  • Energy Wall Paintings on Canvas - Energy of Abundance - Artistic Painting - Modern Paintings, Ambient Wall Paintings, Abstract Paintings, Decorative Wall Paintings, Purchase and Sale of Paintings.

    Energy Paintings – The Energy of Abundance The world is full of energies that surround us at every turn. One of the most stunning creations of this energy are the energy paintings. These paintings are handmade works of art that are created with a specific purpose – to transmit positive […]

Use the Power Energy Pictures

Exploring Spiritual Art and Chakras

Welcome to our collection of exquisite hand-painted energy pictures , which are designed to fill your space with positive energy, spiritual essence and harmonious balance. Our energy paintings, spiritual paintings and chakra paintings are meticulously crafted by skilled artists and capture the essence of vitality and inner peace. On this page you can explore the deep meaning of energy images, delve into the realm of spiritual art and discover the transformative power of chakra images.

Energy pictures: capturing the essence of vitality

Experience the lively energy that radiates through our energy pictures. These enchanting works of art are imbued with a dynamic aura that enlivens and uplifts your environment. Every brush stroke and carefully selected color palette harnesses the power of artistic expression to convey a sense of vitality, positivity and inspiration. Whether you want to liven up your living space or give your workspace a creative boost, our energy pictures serve as a beacon of vital energy.

Spiritual pictures: Awakening the soul

Go on a spiritual journey through our collection of spiritual pictures. These hand-painted paintings are a gateway to deep introspection and inner thinking. Guided by intuition and a deep spiritual connection, our artists channel their emotions, beliefs and universal wisdom into every brush stroke. Each spiritual image becomes a portal to transcendence, inviting viewers to explore their spiritual path and find solace in the deep beauty of the divine.

Images of chakras: Balancing energy centers

Discover the transformative power of čaker images, designed for harmonizing and balancing the body’s energy centers. Inspired by the ancient wisdom of Eastern philosophies, these artworks depict the seven chakras that represent different aspects of our being. Each image is carefully created to resonate with the specific energy of a particular chakra, encouraging healing, alignment and personal growth. By including pictures of chakras you invite a harmonious flow of energy into your space and nurture a sense of general well-being.

Why buy energy pictures?

Improve your environment and nurture your spiritual well-being with the help of energy pictures, spiritual pictures or pictures chakra. These hand painted art paintings offer more than just aesthetics; they radiate positive energy, awaken the soul and promote inner balance. Surround yourself with the transformative power of art and embark on a journey of self-discovery and inner harmony.